Hello Loves ,
Thanks for tuning in today. The topic is being comfortable in your own skin. After rehearsing for my next show I realized that individuals are not comfortable with who they are. Its like everyone wants to mimic the next person. So that troubled me to the point where I looked up the word in Individualists- promotes to exercise one's goals and desires and so that ones independence and self-reliance can blossom, while opposing most external interference upon one's own interests, whether by society, family or any other group or institution.
While observing the situation I realize that people are not comfortable being there self. That is were self motivation steps in no matter how fabulous someone walks or looks to you. They're human too and we, as human's, have to realize that we are beautiful and wonderfully made. We all have our up's and our down days. But until we come into the realization of who you are and accepting your self flaws you wont be comfortable in your own skin. Believe in yourself and there is no limit to where you may go
Here is a mental nugget: when faced with a tough situation there is a soft inner voice that will lead and guide you to conquer every situation .
Please mark you calendars for December 18,2010 this plus size model is going to be ripping the runway in a fashion show in Wilmington, Delaware . I have tickets inbox me for further info. All proceeds are going to a wonderful cause which is benefiting the inner city youth in Wilmington, De.. Come out and show your support. Much love to everyone out there.
Holla back at me …..
Tune in tomorrow for more conversational blogging smooches
Lareena Larue
We love this "when faced with a tough situation there is a soft inner voice that will lead and guide you to conquer every situation" - What a great post and an inspiring read! Good Luck on your fashion show next Saturday!