Hello Loves ,
Has any one out there ever had a day where every thing goes wrong? Well loves that was how my day went. I just decided to come in the house and take a long nap and pray that this day will be over. As you all know I’m really not in the holiday spirit this year. I'm feeling just like Forest Gump “ Life is like a box of chocolates you never know what your going to pick “ I want to hear back from you. What type of shopping deals have you found
I got a great feeling that tomorrow is going to be a better day. Nothing feels better than shopping! Just kidding but it sure does feel nice! I’m going to purchase a computer for my daughter. Check out Old Navy has some great gifts for $5, check em out below.

Mental note: Live well, Laugh often, Love much... No matter what is going on in your life
Holla back at me …..
Tune in tomorrow for more conversational blogging smooches
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