Hello Loves ,
Thanks for tuning in today. Toady’s topic is beauty. Has anyone out there ever seen a drop dead gorgeous person who had a very nasty, ugly personality or disposition? After the experience it makes you think that they aren’t as pretty as you thought they were. Or have you ever seen a really unattractive person with the sweetest, genuine, and loving deposition? Then you think, "wow this person is truly beautiful." Guess what Love? It's because beauty starts within.
Beauty on the inside will always prevail! Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. No matter what we look like on the out side remember if you don't have a wonderful disposition the looks are worthless. I'd love to hear from you! List your stories and experiences, be an encouragement!
Please mark you calendars for December 18,2010 this plus size model is going to be ripping the runway in a fashion show in Wilmington, Delaware. Come check me out all ticket info is on the "Where's LaReena." All proceeds are going to a wonderful cause which is benefiting the inner city youth. Come out and show your support.
Holla back at me …..
Tune in tomorrow for more conversational blogging smooches
Lareena Larue
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